Monday, August 12, 2013

Music On Home Audio In The 21st Century

Music has long been an important aspect of culture. It soothes, parties, & accompanies us in to different mind states. But over the past fifty years music has taken on an ever-expanding role. In the coursework of the American Golden Age, music became more widespread than ever before. Celebrities such as Elvis, Bob Marley, Madonna & Michael Jackson became international superstars. People around the globe recognize these names & the tunes they produced. Their places in American culture are solidified, & day they will probably be regarded the same way they regard Mozart & Beethoven, as masters of their craft.

Because of the net, everyone's attention span is shorter than ever before. But that also means they are less willing to put up with unoriginal work. Even if they do sit through a complete YouTube video they don't enjoy, we'll probably forget all about it in a couple of minutes. That means that for music to evolve, it must be created by musicians who are familiar with the best of the best. For that, they can turn to the past fifty years of popular music. But becoming truly familiar with the best bands & songs is part of it. Personal tastes & interests lead music-lovers to play more peripheral music on their pro audio equipment.

The net has changed the way people listen to music. There's more bands today than ever before because it is simpler than ever before to get people to listen to your music. That doesn't mean these bands have staying power, or that their music is nice, necessarily. It does mean, however, that the best bands have better chances of rising to the top to become the next superstars. Since popular culture tends to recycle music, images & ideas - all of us know that nothing is original - it is ever harder to make use of a sample or do a cover that is truly impressive & which leads a band out of the realm of wedding singer, in to that of creative, masterful borrowing.

All this means that musicians are going to be a lot busier than they have been historically. While breaking in to the music industry is more obtainable, it definitely is more complicated, what with social media & the wealth of music to explore from the past couple of generations. But those with the passion for music won't view it as a chore, but as fun, another facet of their passion.

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